Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Tercet's are 3-lined stanzas
Quatrain's are 4-lined stanzas,
And Couplet's are 2-lined stanzas, in a poem

I have also included an alliteration and an onomatopoeia

Here is my attempt at a rhyming poem containing these 3 features!

The Boxer

His fists were balled into a bunch
As he prepared to give the final punch
That would see him walk away victorious

But up against him was a walking robot
Whom was compared to a metal giant
..And he was being more than just defiant
The way to beat him, the boxer hadn't forgot

The boxer's bruised bones crashed against the metal
One thing we know is.. that punch was fatal


Just in case you're wondering, yes, i was inspired by the movie- Real Steel!..But the movie is quite different to the story of the poem.


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