Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A Shakespearan Sonnet


A sonnet is a type of lyric poem used to express thoughts and feelings of a writer.
Consists of 14 lines
Definite rhyming scheme and structure
3 Quatrain's and 1 Couplet
Uses the iambic pentameter - Five units
An iamb is an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable
Two types- Italian 'Petra' Sonnet and a Shakespearan Sonnet
Mine is a Shakespearan Sonnet.

El Classico

Tiptoeing through the silent hallway
Peering left and right for any unwanted viewers
Finding the light switch was like finding a needle in the hay..
Without the light, I felt like i was lost in the sewers

"What in the world were you doing?!"
Well, the El Classico was starting soon..
One of the greatest match-ups was showing!
Football fans worldwide saw this as their boon

The match timing was a hitch
I had an exam to write the next day
..Now if I could only find the switch
I hoped my dad wouldn't come my way

Suddenly, someone turned on the light
Guess who else who had got up that night?


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