Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A Shakespearan Sonnet


A sonnet is a type of lyric poem used to express thoughts and feelings of a writer.
Consists of 14 lines
Definite rhyming scheme and structure
3 Quatrain's and 1 Couplet
Uses the iambic pentameter - Five units
An iamb is an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable
Two types- Italian 'Petra' Sonnet and a Shakespearan Sonnet
Mine is a Shakespearan Sonnet.

El Classico

Tiptoeing through the silent hallway
Peering left and right for any unwanted viewers
Finding the light switch was like finding a needle in the hay..
Without the light, I felt like i was lost in the sewers

"What in the world were you doing?!"
Well, the El Classico was starting soon..
One of the greatest match-ups was showing!
Football fans worldwide saw this as their boon

The match timing was a hitch
I had an exam to write the next day
..Now if I could only find the switch
I hoped my dad wouldn't come my way

Suddenly, someone turned on the light
Guess who else who had got up that night?


Lyrical Poem

This lyrical poem consists of two quatrains and a couplet at the end.

The Marathon Runner

The searing heat was starting to get unbearable
The blisters on my feet were just as terrible
No wonder i was one of the few left on this track
The others couldn't take the flak.

Every step became an ordeal
My stomach was churning up my last meal
The finish line was now growing closer with every step
Boy, was i dying for a can of Schweeeppes!

I was now within touching distance of the yellow ribbon
 But then the ground beneath me started to attack me.


Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Tercet's are 3-lined stanzas
Quatrain's are 4-lined stanzas,
And Couplet's are 2-lined stanzas, in a poem

I have also included an alliteration and an onomatopoeia

Here is my attempt at a rhyming poem containing these 3 features!

The Boxer

His fists were balled into a bunch
As he prepared to give the final punch
That would see him walk away victorious

But up against him was a walking robot
Whom was compared to a metal giant
..And he was being more than just defiant
The way to beat him, the boxer hadn't forgot

The boxer's bruised bones crashed against the metal
One thing we know is.. that punch was fatal


Just in case you're wondering, yes, i was inspired by the movie- Real Steel!..But the movie is quite different to the story of the poem.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Cinquain and Concrete Poetry


A type of poem made up of 5 lines, each line having its own significance to the story the poem is trying to tell. Here is the structure of a typical cinquian.

Noun (subject)
Adjectives (2)
Verbs (3)
Imagery (4-6 words)
Synonym (subject)

Here are my attempts at a cinquain!

Olympics 2012

                Quick, Intense

 Captivating, Exhausting, Breathtaking

     Gladiators battling out on court



Champions League Final '08

Concentrated, Pressure
                                                        The stakes have never been higher

Concrete Poetry

The shape the words are drawn into is the subject of the poem

Mine for example is the usual cheeseburger found at most fast food places--

I have tried to describe the details of the burger and maybe what the eater will fell after the meal!


Saturday, 19 January 2013

Haiku's and Tanka's

These are two types of poetry, both founded in Japan, with the Tanka being the oldest form of poetry to date.

Both usually relate to nature and the seasons, but the Tanka puts emphasis on the author's feelings.

Haiku has a total of 17 syllables, the Tanka has a total of 31 syllables.

Here are some i have tried to make on my own-

My Haiku-

"Peering through the keyhole
Untamed weeds grow wild
..Like my habit gone rogue"

My Tanka-

"A sea of smell and taste
Claustrophobic as a fish market..
An unappetising sight,
One that you will do well to avoid.
Thats right, its the school canteen!
